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Our burden is
to build a Church of overcomers
where each member is a priest
and each house is an extension of the Church,
winning our generation to Christ
through Life groups that multiply.


Shall we navigate each of these truths together?

Our burden is

Burden means obligation, duty. Apostle Paul said “because this obligation is imposed on me; and woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel! (1 Corinthians 9:16)” and even further, “Besides these outward things, there is that which daily weighs upon me, the care of all the churches (2 Corinthians 11:28).”


We also see a difference between “Charge” and “Position”. We believe that a role is a passion that drives you to fulfill a purpose, while a role is just a title. Someone can have the title of evangelist but without the anointing and passion to evangelize, or without even having evangelized a soul at all. However, someone may not have the title of evangelist but act as such, with a passion calling the responsibility of evangelizing upon themselves.


So in our midst we believe that the task brings the position, and not the other way around. It is more glorious to have recognition of a position (evangelist, pastor, leader, etc...) because of the role than just carrying a title.


to Build a church


In Ephesians 2:19-22 the Bible describes the Church as a building to be built. In 1 Corinthians 3:10-14 the Bible says that the foundation is Christ and that we must observe what materials we are using to build our work. So we were called to build the church of Christ.


We are called to serve the body. We recognize that to build a great work, we must have good foundations. The larger the building, the deeper the foundation must be.

Of overcomers

We are called to build the Church, but a Church that prevails, a Church of winners. In the letters to the Churches of Asia, in Revelation 2-3, the Bible describes the position of an overcomer. The winner is the one who experiences first love, who is fervent in spirit, who keeps the testimony of Christ, who fulfills God's purpose.


So our task, our passion and duty, is to build, build, participate in the work, of a church of winners, who fulfill the purpose, who overcome the flesh, the devil, and the world.

Where every member is a priest

We fight against the doctrines of the Nicolaitans (Rev. 2:15) that point to clericalism. We are against clericalism in the Church where there is only one who is anointed by God, who brings the word and who prays and works. We believe that we must develop the potential of each member to fulfill their purpose.


We are all called to influence, to make a difference, to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13), to be the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26-28) and ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). We believe that the prayer of each believer does have power (James 5:16). We believe that the entire body must function properly, each member serving and supporting the body.


Jesus anointed all of us to preach the gospel, cast out demons, heal the sick, and proclaim the good news. And if anyone believes, he will do greater works.

Each house is an extension of the church

We gather as a body in a building, but we also see ourselves in homes where we break bread together and share in each other's lives (Acts 2:42-44). We have the early Church, the Church of Acts, as our standard. They gathered in homes, praised together, served each other and shared the Word.


If we were to somehow change that phrase, “each house an extension of the church,” it would be “each building an extension of the church,” because that was how the first century Church met. We do not believe in clericalism or “templism”. We believe that the Church is not the building, the Church is the Lord's faithful gathered together.


Holy is not the building, but the brothers, but where the brothers are it becomes a sanctified place. (1Cor. 6:19)


Therefore winning

We are in a constant battle against hell for lives. And the Word does not say that the gates of the Church will prevail against hell (although that is true), but it says the opposite, that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. So we already have victory, we must plunder hell.


Ephesians says that we must put on the armor of God, pointing to the Church as an army. In John 17 Jesus prays to God not to remove us from the world, even though we are not of the world, but that He sends us into the world, for what? To do what Jesus did.


Our generation

We believe in a generational move, that the move of God cannot come from one generation and die with it. We learn from those who came before us, like Isaac who did not dig new wells, only reopened those from his father's time (Gen 26:18). And we believe in reaching our couples, reaching young people who are our strong arm, and children too, who are the next generation.

For Christ

Our ultimate goal is not for someone to be saved, but for them to become faithful disciples of Christ. We see that crowds followed Jesus, but only the disciples made a difference. The crowd is spectator, the disciples make things happen. The crowd listens, the disciples put it into practice. (James 1:22).


Through life groups

A life group is nothing more than the strategy that God gave us to win our generation to Christ. It is the extension of the church in the homes. It's where people have access to each other, they have access to the leader. Life groups reach where a Sunday service cannot.


That multiply

A good tree produces good fruit and lots of fruit. There is no shortage of people who need Jesus, and because we have the solution, it is our duty to take Him to them. We remove the word “division” from our environment because when a life group grows too much to the point of no longer having space to gather, this is a sign of multiplication, of growth.

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